> Une version cinématographique est en pré-production actuellement aux Etats-Unis, réalisée par Ruairi Robinson et scénarisée par Gary Whitta[2]. > > C’est Warner Bros qui produira le film en co-production avec Appian Way la compagnie de Leonardo DiCaprio. L’adaptation comprendrait deux films qui compileraient l’histoire des six volumes du manga original. > > A noter que Katsuhiro Otomo gardera un oeil sur la production en tant que producteur executif aux côtés de Greg Silverman (le vice-président exécutif de Warner Bros). – Wikipedia
Wow… c’est quand même à se jeter par terre! Un fan comme moi ne peut par contre que se méfier… Avec la merde qu’ils ont réussi à faire avec Dragonball… J’espère qu’ils ne fuckeront pas la sauce avec AKIRA quand même! C’est tout un classique du dessin animé japonais! C’est tout un classique du dessin animé POINT! J’ai vu le film animé des dizaines de fois, j’ai lu les Bédés quelques fois aussi et je trouve ça vraiment génial. Je suis content de savoir que les films (deux sont prévus) seront basés sur les livres plutôt que sur le film. Les livres étant plus complets et plus original que le film. Bon choix.
Voici ce que j’ai lu sur firstshowing.net:
It’s Official – Live-Action Akira Confirmed Already for 2009!
February 20, 2008
Source: Variety
by Alex Billington
Back in October last year, we reported a rumor that the Japanese anime classic Akira would eventually be getting a live-action remake. We finally have official confirmation today that says there will not only be a new adaptation, but that it is being split into two movies! Warner Brothers has re-acquired the rights and is putting the first film into production right away, aiming to release the first movie by the summer of 2009. However, the film is primarily going to be adapted from anime artist Katsuhiro Otomo’s graphic novel more than the original 1988 anime movie.
Warner Brothers exec Greg Silverman, who previously brought the studio 300 and Batman Begins, brought them Akira and encouraged them to obtain the rights. Although the studio let go of the rights a few years ago, they fought to gain them back in a bidding war, ending up paying in the seven-figures. The studio is describing the film as « Blade Runner meets City of God », which is a fairly fitting description for the story. Each movie will be based on three of the six volumes from Katsuhiro Otomo’s graphic novel that was first published in 1982.
The two films will be directed by Irish filmmaker Ruairi Robinson who is making his feature debut after directing a number of short films and commercials. You can watch his 2006 short titled The Silent City on his website here. The script for the two films is being written by first-time screenwriter Gary Whitta.
Akira is a six-volume manga that was later adapted into an anime movie in 1988. The manga takes place in a vastly larger timeframe than the film and involves a far wider array of characters and subplots. Through the breadth of the work, Otomo explicates themes of social isolation, corruption and power. The original anime and and manga was set in Tokyo, but reports are saying this version will take place in « New Manhattan », a metropolis that was rebuilt after being destroyed 31 years ago. This isn’t fully confirmed and we’re doing our best to see if this is actually the case.
Kaneda is a bike gang leader whose close friend Tetsuo gets involved in a government secret project known as Akira. On his way to save Tetsuo, Kaneda runs into a group of anti-government activists, greedy politicians, irresponsible scientists and a powerful military leader. The confrontation sparks off Tetsuo’s supernatural power leading to bloody death, a coup attempt and the final battle in Tokyo Olympiad where Akira’s secrets were buried 30 years ago.
I said it before when talking about the rumor, but this is going to make for one awesome live-action movie. Not only am I a big fan of the anime movie, but there are so many great action scenes, like the futuristic motorcycle chases, that could be amazing in the movie. I’m only concerned that they won’t give this duo of films the proper budget that they really need, especially with a first-time feature filmmaker working on them. Whatever the case is, I’ll hope for the best!
Il faut rester méfiant, car dans les dernières adaptations que j’ai vues, plusieurs étaint « so-so ». Je pense à L’Aveuglement, Dragonball, Max Payne, The Spirit. Bref, j’attends avec impatience les résultats en espérant que la prochaine chose qui me fasse pleurer soit un onion et non pas un autre navet.